OMRC's 2024 Success: Multiple FDA Approvals for New Medical Therapies

In 2024, the Oregon Medical Research Center (OMRC) played a pivotal role in coordinating clinical trials that led to several FDA approvals for new therapies.

Throughout the year, these approvals marked significant advancements in the treatment options available, showcasing OMRC’s commitment to medical research and its effective collaboration in the healthcare sector. This achievement highlights OMRC’s dedication to improving patient outcomes and underscores its expertise in driving innovation in medical treatments.

Zelsuvmi (berdazimer) for Molloscum

According to clinical professor of dermatology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, Dr. Mark D. Kaufmann, MD, FAAD, “The approval of [berdazimer topical gel] is a breakthrough, marking the first time that clinicians can treat molluscum with an efficacious topical prescription medication that is applied by the patient, or a family member. I look forward to having this novel medication to treat my molluscum patients.”1

Ebglyss (lebrikizumab-lbkz) for Atopic Dermatitis

Chief Scientific Officer and president of Lilly Research Laboratories and Lilly Immunology stated, “Today’s approval allows people the opportunity to reimagine life with eczema as EBGLYSS offers a targeted approach to reduce a main cause of eczema inflammation. EBGLYSS provides long-lasting symptom relief with a convenient once-monthly maintenance dose.” Lilly’s commitment to relieving the burden for those living with eczema is evident by their Lilly Support Services for EBGLYSS program where for eligible patients services including co-pay assistance could be provided.2

1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Approves ZELSUVMITM as a First-in-Class Medication for the Treatment of Molluscum Contagiosum.

2. FDA Approves Lilly’s EBGLYSSTM (lebrikizumab-lbkz) for Adults and Children 12 Years and Older with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis | Eli Lilly and Company. Eli Lilly and Company. Published 2023.

OMRC’s 2023 Milestone: FDA Approval for a Groundbreaking Treatment

Oregon Medical Research Center played a key role in a 2023 FDA approval, showcasing its dedication to clinical research and bringing innovative treatment options to patients.

Ritlecitinib (Pfizer) for Alopecia Areata

In June of 2023, the FDA approved Pfizer’s LITFULO (Ritlecitinib) for the treatment of severe alopecia areata. This is one of only two drugs currently on the market, and the only available for adolescents 12 and older. With the participation of our wonderful patients, Oregon Medical Research Center contributed to the pivotal ALLEGRO study, supporting the approval of Ritlecitnib. Nicole Friedland, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) shared, “We believe the approval of LITFULO is a significant advancement for the treatment of alopecia areata, particularly for teens. It’s exciting to see more FDA-approved treatments becoming available for this community.” 1

1. FDA approves Pfizer’s LITFULOTM (Ritlecitinib) for adults and adolescents with severe alopecia areata | Pfizer.