January 6, 2025FDA ApprovalsMolloscum,Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
OMRC’s 2024 Success: Multiple FDA Approvals for New Medical Therapies
In 2024, Oregon Medical Research Center coordinated clinical trials that achieved significant FDA approvals, introducing new therapies that promise to revolutionize patient care.
December 5, 2024PsoriasisPsoriasis
Advancing Psoriasis Care: Why Clinical Trials Could Be Right for You
Discover how participating in psoriasis clinical trials can provide you with advanced treatment options and personalized care, while also helping advance medical research for this chronic condition.
January 3, 2024FDA ApprovalsAlopecia Areata
OMRC’s 2023 Milestone: FDA Approval for a Groundbreaking Treatment
Oregon Medical Research Center played a key role in a 2023 FDA approval, showcasing its dedication to clinical research and bringing innovative treatment options to patients.
New Treatment Approved for Mild-to-Moderate Atopic Dermatitis
Explore the benefits of Opzelura® cream, recently approved by the FDA for treating mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis. Find out how this new treatment can change the landscape of eczema management without the side effects of steroids.